How to Uninstall SyncBackSE
If you used the default installation procedure for SyncBackSE you may uninstall the program by going to Windows Start > All Programs > 2BrightSparks > SyncBack/SE > Uninstall SyncBack/SE.
The exception to this is if you installed the program in a custom location, in which case you will have to find out where SyncBack/SE is located. You can easily find this using the Windows search facility.
Please be aware that uninstalling SyncBack/SE will delete your profiles.
All versions of SyncBack and SyncBackSE can safely be installed over an existing installation. By doing this, you will ensure any profiles you have created continue to be active.
Lastly, make sure that SyncBack/SE is not running while you attempt to uninstall. Remember that SyncBack/SE can be seen in the task bar on the lower right when active (you may need to click the little left pointing arrow to see the SyncBack/SE icon). You may have also created a scheduled task which you will need to disable if uninstalling.
All Content: 2BrightSparks Pte Ltd ⌐ 2003-2006